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Termite Control Reistertown, MD

Choose Patriot Pest Management if you need year-round termite protection.

Termites are one of the most hazardous pests that you can discover around your property, and by the time you notice them, the damage can already be done. Pests are not much of a hazard to human health, but they are a serious hazard to the structural integrity of your home and your prized possessions. Termites create large colonies that can eat their way through wooden structures. These colonies form outside of the home, in wood piles and even in the joists of your home.

Structural damage is a serious risk, and it can require tremendous remediation to make a home with a bad termite infestation safe to inhabit again. Patriot Pest Management cooperates with homeowners throughout Maryland to provide them with experienced termite control in Reisterstown, MD. We offer comprehensive termite remediation solutions that will eliminate termites from your property and pinpoint areas for improvement in the future that can prevent them from returning.

What Are the Signs You Need Termite Control in Reisterstown, MD?

Termites are challenging to discover if you aren’t sure what the warning signs are. By the time you detect a problem, the colony could be massive and have done serious damage. What are some of the signs that you need termite control in Reisterstown, MD?

  1. Discarded Wings: Flying termites are young, and they will shed their wings after they find a compatible mate. Once they discover a mate, they will find a good area for a nesting site where they can start a new colony. They look for places with enough wood to sustain their appetite and then the process will start up again as they have children. When you see small clusters of wings around your home, you could be in need of termite control in Reisterstown, MD.
  2. Stuck Windows and Tight Doors: One of the stranger things you might notice if you have termites in your home is tight windows or doors. This happens sometimes due to elevated humidity levels that naturally expand the wood, but it can also happen from termite activity. If you notice that only certain doors and windows are sticking or the weather outside isn’t humid, it’s a sign that there could be a termite colony in your home. As termites eat their way through wood, it generates the moisture that causes sticking.
  3. White Ants: There is no such thing as a white ant, so if you notice a white ant in your home you are probably noticing a termite instead. Light-colored bugs that look like ants but are so pale they are almost translucent are probably termites. You will notice that their wings are all the same size, unlike ants, and their waist section is thicker.
  4. Banging Sounds: Termites are very small, but that doesn’t mean that they cannot be detected at all. Whenever they sense danger, they shake their bodies and bang their heads against hard surfaces to get the message across to other members of the termite colony. Worker termites make soft sounds while they are consuming wood, so you also might hear them. Whenever you hear strange sounds or banging coming from behind your walls, you should schedule termite control in Reisterstown, MD with Patriot Pest Management.


How Does Our Termite Control in Reisterstown, MD Protect Your Home?

At Patriot Pest Management, we use proven methods to control termites at your home and prevent them from coming back again in the future. When we perform termite control in Reisterstown, MD, we use methods including termite inspections, liquid termiticide and termite baiting systems. We know where termites might be lurking and how to get them out of your home.

Where Can I Find Quality Termite Control in Reisterstown, MD?

Patriot Pest Management offers experienced, trustworthy termite and pest control in Reisterstown, MD to business owners and residents throughout the area. Our customized, comprehensive pest management plans are designed to meet your needs now and as the seasons change. To schedule your appointment, call us today at (443)650-0031.